Unit 1.  Hello children!  Septiembre, octubre.

- Canción de entrada Hello girls, hello boys!
- Canción de despedida Bye bye see you tomorrow.
- What’s your name?
- Presentación de los personajes: Frankie, Dizzy, Tex, Spot.
- Hello, Bye bye, good morning.
- How are you? Happy, sad, hungry, angry.
- Colores blue, yellow, red, green, black.
- Girl, boy.
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
- Canción del tiempo Oh It’s sunny today!
- Canción del tiempo What’s the weather like today?

- It’s sunny, it’s cloudy, it’s raining, it’s windy.

Unit 2.  A family Christmas! Noviembre– Diciembre.

- Canción de entrada: Hello girls, hello boys!
- Canción de despedida: bye bye see you tomorrow.
- Blue, yellow, green, red, pink, black.  Números 1 al 10.
- Family: mummy, daddy, sister, brother.
- Christmas tree, Father Christmas, present.
- Happy Christmas! , villancico.
- Please, thank you, sorry.
- Feelings (happy, sad, hungry, angry, sleepy)  How are you?
- Personajes.
- Preguntas What’s your name? Are you a boy or a girl?
- What's the weather like today?  Sunny, windy, raining, cloudy.

    Unit 3. I  love animals! Enero.

- Feelings (happy, sad, hungry, angry, sleepy, so so) How are you.
- Personajes.
- Superpreguntas What’s your name?  What's your favourite colour?
- Números (1 al 10), girl, boy.
- Blue, yellow, green, red, pink, black.
- What's the weather like?  It's sunny, raining, cloudy, windy, snowing.
- Animals: turtle, ladybird, frog, duck, bird, rabbit, dog, cat, fish, giraffe, monkey,
crocodile, elephant, lion.
- Swim, run, walk, fly, jump.

Unit 4. Happy Easter! Febrero-marzo.

- Feelings (happy, sad, hungry, angry, sleepy, so so, wonderful)
- Personajes.
- Superpreguntas What’s your name?, How old are you?, What's your favourite colour?
- Números (1 al 10), girl, boy.
- What's the weather like today? It's sunny, raining, cloudy, windy, snowing.
- Colores: red, green, blue, yellow, pink, black, orange.
- Ropa: Hat, t-shirt, shorts, sandals, jacket, shoes, trainers, trousers, glasses, bag.
- What are you wearing?
- Easter Bunny, Easter egg!  Happy Easter!

Unit 5. I am healthy – Abril, mayo, junio.

- Feelings (happy, sad, hungry, angry, sleepy, so so, wonderful. thirsty)
- Personajes.
- Superpreguntas What’s your name?, How are you? How old are you? What's your favourite colour? Are you a boy or a girl?
- Colores: Red, green, blue, yellow, pink, black, orange, purple.
- Números del 1 al 12.
- What's the weather like weather? It's sunny, raining, cloudy, windy, snowing.
- Body: Head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, legs, body.
- Up, down, jump, run, swim.
- Toilet please.
- Canción de entrada: How are you today? Tiburón
- Canción de despedida: Bye bye see you tomorrow!
- I like…   I don’t like… Do you like…? What’s your favourite food?
- Food: Ice- cream, sandwich, banana, milk, egg, fish, apple, chocolate, pizza, water, coffee, juice, yoghurt, salad.

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